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Getting around


What’s on in London

Listings and entertainment guides both printed and on the Internet. Here's a rich variety of informative sources on enjoying life in London.

First class

Time Out
Their London listings were the first and are still always bang up-to-date. Time Out magazine is in the newsagents every Thursday. Explore on-line.
Evening Standard
London's daily newspaper has entertainment guides every week. This is London is the Internet version.


Rough Guide
In printed form this is a book, not a lively listings guide, but it does have a solid on-line guide to London.


Fresh Direction
There's a huge student community living on a shoe-string in London. The Time Out Student Guide is given out at their Freshers' Fair every year or you can buy a copy from newsagents in the Autumn. Fresh Direction is an online student magazine.
There are also thousands of Aussies and Kiwis living on a shoe-string in Earl's Court. TNT is their free weekly magazine, available on the bar at the Hand and Flower, giving the low-down on backpackers' entertainment all over London. The magazine is packed with much more up-to-the-minute information than the website.
Lonely Planet
This is a book, not a regular listings guide, but it can give newcomers a quick introduction.

Guides only on the Internet

These have comprehensive electronic guides:

And this is a mine of local statistics:

These are more limited use:

Tourist trails

These tourist guides are not really with it, so I'd try Time Out and the Evening Standard first.

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